“I’ve nailed my job this last few months… and what do I get as a reward? Another accountability of course. I’m not complaining of course, but when does it end?”
I’ve been talking a lot about integrity and workability recently – it certainly raises a few hackles – so I’m going to say one more thing about it.
I wrote last week about the three levels of integrity and how who people are BEING is vastly more important than whether or not they got something done or not. This raised a few questions, especially in this environment where getting things ticked-off on time can have real flow-on effects.
We know this because as soon as you show you can get stuff done, people give you more to do.
The answer to my friend's questions at the top of this is: there is no end-point because,
“…you will never get it all done because we’ll always give you more!”

Photo by John Schnobrich on Unsplash

Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash
This last step is an act of pure generosity that is often missed.
People who communicate everything that is relevant and could impact you are thinking from your perspective. This means you can adjust, mitigate and … most importantly, trust them!

Also from this place, I invite you to look at your colleagues again and see who is really showing up as great leaders in this brave-new post-Covid world.
I reckon there's some pretty amazing new stuff showing up, the question is: are you quiet enough to see it?