“When a thousand people believe some made-up story for one month, that’s fake news. When a billion people believe it for a thousand years, that’s a religion…”
Yuval Noah Harai
Power and Authority
Intuition - the ultimate source of knowledge?
The process of resisting the ramifications of this realisation was hard and I assert came to a head in 2020, but once made, it has brought with it a newfound peace and confidence and a new power and authority (and direction) to our lives. By accepting that the only source of truth is inside and not outside us, we’ve opened a whole new world of learning and possibility.
The role of intuition is critical because it is THE source of internal knowledge about the world. Whether it is an agglomeration of external inputs we have processed subconsciously, revelation from external sources or something in-between, in the absence of truly credible external sources of guidance we are all going to have to learn what it is, how to access it and most importantly, how to train this faculty (which is largely dormant in most of us).
We don’t rate intuition very highly in the materialist western world but the concept actually has deep, well-founded roots in virtually ALL philosophical traditions both 'modern' and 'pre-modern' (including 'The West''). It certainly encompasses a great deal more than the amorphous ‘gut-feeling’ we often limit the concept to. Way back in the 1920's, Rudolf Steiner, leaning on Goethe's thinking, wrote that:
[Intuition] denotes a clear, pure mode of comprehension akin to a mathematical concept.
Now that's a different take from what I automatically imagine it to be!
If intuition really is anything like a "clear, pure model of comprehension" that we can consciously develop and train, that opens a whole new world of knowledge and guidance. I think that's the route we are all going down and I invite you to start exploring what intuition means to you and when you use it (because you do) and when you ignore it (because you do that too) and what it costs you!
More on different conceptions of intuition and my own experience practising as I learn more to share :-) ... very open to input or thoughts from you!
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