“Know Thyself before you attempt to know anything else”
Socrates in Phaedrus (paraphrased)
While we focus on the shallowest levels of leadership, the deeper levels escape us.
Like the resonance of a tuning fork, the deeper levels are harder to hear but reach far deeper into the body and the mind. Take a few moments going into the break to understand where the source of your power lies, and what to think about learning next year.
The average leader: the strong personality
Have you known a leader who leveraged a strong personality to get people into action?
If it is this second kind of person who inspires you, read on....
"Personality is unique but only scrapes the surface of what it means to be a human being. The deeper we go the more real it becomes, but the unique it is."
Temperaments describe how people ‘meet the world’, and there are only four of them!
That is his temperament. I love him for it, but you do have to know how to work with it and, perhaps more importantly, how it interacts with my own (very sanguine: creative, flighty, hard to focus...)
Each temperament should be supported and managed in a different way. Understand this and you understand what makes a person tick – and what makes a team work!
"In my work with teams, this is probably the most powerful, insightful and sustainable piece of work I get to do.
But there is an even deeper and more profound level that is so obvious we miss it all the time
The ultimate source of power and fulfilment in life: Your Leitmotif
While we have been progressing from unique to archetypal down the leadership levels, the last level takes us back to unique and is the most important of them all.
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