“It’s not for them… it’s for you!”
It reminds me of the quip Gandhi was meant to have made to the person who suggested that history was just a litany of wars and atrocities. His response?
“No, history is the other 99%, the parts in between where people were getting along.”
From this perspective, everything that happens to us and everything we experience is really a tool in service of a greater purpose: something we were born to learn and then express back into the world. Our relationships, families, careers and businesses exist ultimately to provide a foil, a backdrop, to the real game of life: learning about and then expressing that soul’s journey. People and events around you act like capacitors, discharging the positive and negative energies you need to keep you going in the right direction.
So, why are we talking about all this, it’s a nice philosophical argument, but how does it actually relate to anything real?
In a way that has perhaps never existed to this extent before we need to know that there is a reason for what’s happening.
It is never a matter of creating a vision, it is always a matter of discovering the one you are already living.
We’ve come to realise that there’s only so much our activism can accomplish to fix the increasingly existential crises we are facing. We’ve also realised that we just have to continue with our lives anyway, making money, building careers, raising children, all under the shadow of a nihilistic future where it could all become an exercise in futility.
Your reward…